By: Jenna, Ivy, Fadi, and Aurora Jennifer Illanes is an artist who recently displayed vast talents in her a CSpace Marda Loop exhibition Pilgrimage of Stories and Stones. From March 6th to March 20th, one could see the many stunning pieces of her works of leather, metal, fabric, poetry, and sculpture.
Reality is Optional - An Interview with Director Eli SmartBy: Jenna Karmali
Young director Eli Smart shared the creative process behind the newly filmed documentary about the AWCS youth programs. Recorded in late 2022, the short film ‘Reality is an Optional Guide to Taking Over the World’ (yes, it is a very long title but it’s fitting) is about the different youth clubs and classes at AWCS, their origins, how the programs affect the members, and their future. According to Smart there were many challenges with the crew in the project. The biggest one being differences of opinion among the many people involved, such as Caelan Bell, Kim Firmston, and Emily “Lee” Firmston. “It's something you'll always have in the creative world.” When asked about advice he would give himself before starting the film, he said that being assertive is not bad and that it didn’t necessarily mean you were being a jerk. Smart claimed that the key thing was balance and listening to each other. “However, just keep giving out your ideas. And there will be some that people take and people don't take and that's okay. That doesn't mean you're a bad person. That doesn't mean they have anything against you at all. No, it just means that everyone's trying to give ideas that best fit the movie.” Despite facing such challenges, the team behind the documentary managed to pull it off. Eli said, “There were other days that were just really easy in that it felt like everyone was listening to each other. So it was just about finding that balance and how people mesh and what we can do to help each other out and support each other while making sure that everyone is listened to, and that we're giving back our ideas.” Funded by Telus STORYHIVE, the film will be released on Telus Optik TV in the spring and on the STORYHIVE YouTube channel in 2024. The producers and directors hope to enter it into short documentary competitions and festivals. |
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